Hirngespinst O's Lab, Workshop festival TAZ, Oostende, 2021 (with Sofie Joan Wouters and Hanne Struyf)
Pillage Camp/42 actions for the Dry Docks, Workshop Piazza/Stormkop, Antwerp, 2021
49 Movements of Time, Masterclass Art Education Fontys School for the Arts, Tilburg, 2021
One and a half, Teambuilding hetpaleis, Antwerp, 2020
Broken Frontier, Workshop Destelheide/Atheneum Anderlecht, Brussels, 2017 (with Gino Rizzi)
Hirngespinst O's plein, Workshop different schools/hetpaleis, Antwerp, 2017 (with Sofie Joan Wouters and Hanne Struyf)
Aardestroom, Workshop School aan de stroom, Antwerp, 2017
BAMBOOO!!, Workshop Laika/Blokbloc, Antwerp, 2014
Het ei van Rozemaai, Workshop Yes youngsters, Antwerp, 2013